Letter to the Editor

Invited letter about wound retractor advantages in thoracic surgery

Federico Raveglia, Alessandro Rizzi, Ugo Cioffi, Alessandro Baisi


It is with great pleasure that we have read the two interesting papers, “Invited editorial on: Advantages of wound retractor device versus rigid trocar at camera port in video-assisted thoracic surgery—a single institution experience” by Kamiyoshihara et al. (1), and “Improving pain after VATS lobectomy – advantages of a wound retractor camera port” by Julliard and Krupnick (2), both addressed to our previous publication focused on advantages of wound retractor (WR) device versus rigid trocar at camera port in video-assisted thoracic surgery (3). We are grateful to the Colleagues for their suggestions and comments and take the opportunity of responding in this correspondence to the editor.

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