%0 Journal Article %T AB 61. Resection of a giant bilateral retrovascular intrathoracic goiter causing severe upper airway obstruction, 2 years after subtotal thyroidectomy a case report and review of the literature %A Tsakiridis, Kosmas %A Visouli, Aikaterini N. %A Zarogoulidis, Paul %A Karapantzos, Elias %A Mpakas, Andreas %A Machairiotis, Nikolaos %A Stylianaki, Aikaterini %A Christofis, Christos %A Katsikogiannis, Nikolaos %A Courcoutsakis, Nicolaos %A Zarogoulidis, Konstantinos %J Journal of Thoracic Disease %D 2012 %B 2012 %9 %! AB 61. Resection of a giant bilateral retrovascular intrathoracic goiter causing severe upper airway obstruction, 2 years after subtotal thyroidectomy a case report and review of the literature %K %X %U https://jtd.amegroups.org/article/view/732 %P AB061 %@ 2077-6624