Editorial of Air Pollution Section

Health effects of air pollution: what we need to know and to do in the next decade

Junfeng (Jim) Zhang, Ian M. Adcock, Zhipeng Bai, Kian Fan Chung, Xiaoli Duan, Zhangfu Fang, Jicheng Gong, Feng Li, Richard K. Miller, Xinghua Qiu, David Q. Rich, Bin Wang, Yongjie Wei, Dongqun Xu, Tao Xue, Yinping Zhang, Mei Zheng, Tong Zhu


On January 12, 2019, we gathered for a mini-symposium hosted by the Center for Environment and Health of Peking University to discuss the knowledge gaps concerning efforts to reduce the health impact of air pollution. As epidemiologists, toxicologists, exposure scientists, environmental health scientists, and clinician scientists, we were motivated to share our perspectives on what data and actions are required over the next decade. We consider such discussions as timely given that there have been numerous studies of air pollution and health effects in recent years. Our goal was to identify priority areas that will help guide future studies to address the most important issues pertinent to mitigating these health risks.

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